About Amina Mohamed

Hi, I’m Amina your favourite coach in this next season of success! Have you ever wanted to do more, be more and have a more fulfilling life? Well, just like you I had that same yearning for more. So, I made a decision to transform the trajectory of my life. As a legal professional within the industry for over 10 years, I decided that it was no longer serving me to be yet another average behind the desk. From the outside it seemed like I had a great life, but inside I was in a place where I was not growing. 

Have you ever felt?

  • Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

  • Lost in your purpose and direction for your future?

  • Not satisfied and excited about life?

  • Lacking the confidence to ask for the things you want?

  • Stuck in fear, anxiety and not knowing how to really create change?

This is exactly how I felt before I started my journey of growth. So, I really did start at zero with just a dream in my mind and a burning desire in my heart .Then, I changed my life and began to live my dreams and not my fears. I made a decision. A decision that I would live my life full and die empty. Are you willing and ready to do the same?

“ Growth means choosing happiness over history and never looking back ”

Today Amina is…

  • An Elite Mindset Coach, helping students and professional leaders to increase their self-confidence, overcome mental blocks and optimise their performance through access the power of the subconscious mind.

  • A Les Brown Certified Speaker, with a power voice to ignite, activate and access your greatness to help you cancel out the noise of this world and move into action on your dreams and goals. Whether you need motivation or inspiration Amina has the tools to help reactivate your passion.

  • A Global Peace Ambassador and Local Director at the Universal Peace Federation on a mission to create a world where your inner peace is valued as a priority and motivator for your success

#1 International Bestselling Author

Amina is an avid new author who achieved the title of #1 International Bestselling Author for her new book ‘The Confidence Catapult - How to ask for what you want and get it’.

She also co-authored ‘Who Wouldn’t Serve A God Like’ this Anthology. Both achieving international best seller status in the same week.